Welcome to Kermesse!
As most of you know, our TFS Kermesse is a beloved and cherished tradition. What you may not know is that in addition to being a community building event, Kermesse is also the most significant fundraiser of the Parents’ Association!
The funds raised from all of the Kermesse activities (tickets, wristbands, workshops, Jouer All Day t-shirts, and the online auction) enable the Parents’ Association to make a significant financial contribution back to the school. Concretely, in the past few years, our fundraising efforts have contributed to the purchase of musical instruments, robotics equipment, 3D printers, stability discs, noise cancelling headphones, educational tools for the Learning Forum, as well as board games for indoor recesses. This is what happens when our community get together for a fun day!
This ability to give back is the reason why all of the Kermesse Committees over the years pour their heart and soul (and countless hours!) to plan a memorable day for our students, parents, staff, and local community.
We appreciate your generosity and thank you very sincerely for supporting the TFS Parents’ Association.