President's Welcome

Rosa Maria Barbara
President – TFS Parents’ Association
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! I am excited to begin the new school year as President of the Parents’ Association (PA). As we start another school year together, let’s continue to embrace and promote our school’s motto; individuals who reflect, citizens who act. I invite you all to join us at some of the amazing events the PA organises for our community. For the coming year, we plan to continue to offer the Marché d’hiver winter market, Spirit of Spring, and the Kermesse (fun fair).
Our mission is to engage and strengthen the community for the benefit of all students. We accomplish this through sponsoring school community events and fundraising. In addition to community building, our events and fundraising provide students with a variety of resources that have an immediate and practical impact on our children’s learning environment. We are able to achieve our goals thanks to the help of hundreds of volunteers. As a TFS parent you are automatically part of the Parents’ Association and there are numerous ways that you can be involved. In doing so you will not only meet dedicated and engaged parents, you will also be proud that you makes a difference in the lives of our children.
On a personal note, the beginning of my journey at TFS began in 2010. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to participate in and observe with pride the impact that the PA has on our students and our community. I thank you in advance for your time and dedication and look forward to seeing you at our monthly meeting.
For up-to-date information on events, for details on our monthly Parents’ Association Committee (PAC) meetings, and for volunteering opportunities, please keep checking this website and our Instagram account @TFS_PA. Please feel free to reach out to any of us should you have questions or comments.
Best of luck to all students, staff, and parents as they start the new school year; I wish you an amazing year!
Rosa Maria Barbara
President – TFS Parents’ Association