The Parents' Association
Mission Statement
for the benefit of all students.
A future that is limitless for every student.
To learn more about our structure scroll to the bottom section.
All TFS parents are members of the TFS Parents’ Association
Our mission is to engage and strengthen the community for the benefit of all students. We accomplish this by organising and sponsoring school events as well as via our fundraising efforts. In addition to community building, our events and fundraising provide students with a variety of resources that have an immediate and practical impact on our children’s learning environment.
Since 2000, the PA has donated over $1, 7000 000 to TFS. We accomplish this via three main avenues: the yearly Principals’ Wish List Funds, our Surplus Funds, and support of the TFS Foundation.
The yearly Principals’ Wish List Funds is near and dear to us as our contributions have a direct impact on the day-to-day learning of all students at TFS. Items purchased in the past include musical instruments, robotics equipment, 3D printers, stability discs, noise cancelling headphones, educational tools for the Learning Forum, as well as board games for indoor recesses.
Our surplus funds have been allocated to various initiatives that are typically larger in scope. These include the outdoor tent at the Toronto Campus, the Senior School Dining Hall, the air conditioning at the Junior School, and the playgrounds of both la p’tite école and the now Jardin d’éveil Hafez.
We also support the TFS Foundation with larger initiatives such as the Building on Excellence Fund as well as the school’s 50th and 60th Anniversary galas.
The Parents’ Association Committee (PAC) is the elected, decision-making body of the PA. It is comprised of voting members from the Executive Committee (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary), the Branch Teams (Coordinators from La p’tite école, Junior School, Senior School, and West Campus), and the various Standing Committee Coordinators.
Fundraising activities led by the Standing Committees are events which bring our community together. Their support of time, commitment, and energy enable the PA to make significant financial contributions to the school, as witnessed from the contributions listed above. Kermesse (Fun Fair), Marché d’Hiver, Pizza Lunches and Spirit of Spring are just some of our cherished annual traditions.
Our Branch Team Representatives (coordinators and grade representatives) meet monthly with their respective administration to support branch events and activities. Class Representatives from Jardin d’éveil to Grade 7 assist classroom teachers with a variety of requests, ranging from coordinating celebrations to recruiting class parents for special events.
As a TFS parent you are automatically part of the Parents’ Association and there are numerous ways that you can be involved. In doing so you will not only meet dedicated and engaged parents, you will also be proud that you make a difference in the lives of our children.
Benefitting our Children
- Encourage Student Leadership
- Support Academic Excellence
- Offer opportunities for student social engagement
- Consider the impact of our activities, current and future
Strengthening our Community
- Role models who provide support through parent engagement, communication, and partnership
- Abide by the TFS Code of Conduct and support the mission statement
- Nurture a strong and diverse TFS community through respect and collaboration
To consult our Parents’ Association Constitution, please click here.
How the Parents' Association is Organised