Used Uniform Sale
The Parents’ Association holds Used Uniform Sales throughout the school year. Parents either buy the majority of their child(ren)’s uniform pieces from the sale or use the sales to replace lost or outgrown items.
Items are in excellent condition and stock is replenished on a regular basis from donations received throughout the year.
Prices at the sale are typically at least half of the retail price. For your convenience, payments are charged to your child(ren)’s TFS account.
Donations of used uniform items are gratefully appreciated throughout the school year. Please look for the designated drop off area at each branch. Kindly keep in mind that the uniforms you donate must be only gently used and wearable to benefit the next generation of TFS students. The items should:
Be clean and in good repair;
Be free of stained or tears;
Be initially purchased from the TFS Shop as an official uniform item;
Be free of name tags.
For more information or to volunteer, please get in touch with the Used Coordinator Chairs
Thank you for your support!
2024-2025 Used Uniform Sale
Our first Used Uniform Sale will be on September 20 at Community Day!